tiistai 1. huhtikuuta 2014

As Long As I Got You

Me and my friend talked about what to wear for graduation. And she meant when we're going out. I have no idea. But when I dragged out everything from my wardrobe yesterday I couldn't help myself. I tried on my summer dresses and I'm nearly sure what to wear. My friend on the other hand, announced that she will make her own dress. I call that making an effort. I would never in the world have the time nor the patience to make an own dress just for one occasion. But there's the difference, my friend loves to make own clothes because she's good at it. I can't even fix a hole in my socks. Sad, but true. I don't even own a sewing machine, haha. 

My flu is getting better now, so I will hopefully be able to go to the dance this week.

I'm also going to take the dress to the seamstress today and then it will fit properly!

Bye for now,


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