lauantai 21. tammikuuta 2012

3 days in a nutshell!

On Thursday I was dancing 2 dances after school, show and hip hop. The first dance choreographs show, was not so good because there was not so much challenge as my hip hop techer has in her choreographies. I love challenges!! Because my hip hop teacher makes not too difficult but still enough difficult that you don't know immediately how to dance the dance she learns us.. So I hope I get the permission to dance 2 times a week.. Then it would be Hip hop and Funky jam. 

Then Friday, Friday.. My school day ended 12.45. Then I went with Hanna to town and after 1 hour Jontte and Ina came to town with us. We were in a café for a couple of hours just.. laughing to very ridiculous things. The other customers must have been frustrated when they just heard our voices in that tiny little place. :D

When I got home yesterday I had to clean and help baking a cake for today's family party to honor my brother , hehhe.
OOh! Forgot about Thursday! My brother turned 15! Just 2 years younger than me.. Soon it's my birthday.. After one month.. Or it's less than that. :D

So today I have been running for a cake for at least 45 min. It just had to be one particular cake with strawberries and whipped cream.. Then our relatives came about half past 1 and they left about half past 8. Watched Putous and now on the computer. :D That was my three last days in a tiny tiny nutshell!
Tomorrow I will read on my religion test that I have on Thursday next week and I have to write a summary in Finnish! But so far this weekend has been nice.

My feeling on Friday :)

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