torstai 6. syyskuuta 2012

Breathing You In When I Want You Out

Dance dance like it's the last, last night of your life..

So I was dancing today.. Yey. I'm already excited for our dance performance which is in December..

But before that we will perform our school musical!!!
OMG, it is going to be so good.. I just have this good feeling about it.

Looking forward to Saturday.. I will tell you later what I have done then ;)
Maybe some pictures, not promising anything..

Do you know the feeling when you know that you're life is perfect at the moment but still somehow the smallest thing that irritates you can ruin your day?
I don't like that feeling.. 
Or, I have felt it once or twice this week and it's so frustrating.. Like if you have a good day until someone says something that REALLY pisses you off.. And then you just get angry on everything.. And everyone. 
Luckily, I'm not angry for a long time. I somehow push away the thoughts and then I'm happy again.

Well, tomorrow math test.. I haven't practiced at all. Success.. Or not. I will read through some of my notes tomorrow, heh. 

P.S. I admire my dance teacher.. Irrelevant, I know.

Don't talk about, let me see. Let me see, let me see..

Good night,


Stuck on replay in my head.

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